Craig Cobb, the racist who is trying to set up a white supremacist’s wet dream
in a tiny town in North Dakota just got smacked upside the head with a
little karma — on a soon to be aired TV show. But, we have a clip.
Trisha Goddard, host of the ‘Trisha Show’ gave Cobb some surprising
lab results after he submitted a DNA test. Well, it was surprising to
him, but not the rest of us really.
Look at his face. I’m dying laughing over here:
The studio audience laughed while Goddard, who is a black woman, told
him the news that genetically he is 14 per cent Sub Saharan African, 86
per cent European, which Cobb promptly dismissed as ‘statistical
Goddard said, “You have a little black in you.”
Still, Dumb-Dumb disagreed saying, “I’ll tell you this. Oil and water don’t mix.”
Goddard stood up and attempted to partake in a fist bump with Cobb, saying, “Hey, bro!”
Cobb pulled away his hand and declined participating in the fist bump.
Besides all of us, I know someone else who is laughing his ass off: The tiny town’s only black resident who unfortunately lives directly across the street from this numbskull.
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