Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Unbelievable! John McCain Flat-Out LIES About US Casualties in Iraq

It is often difficult to admit that we are no longer competent to do our jobs and that it is time to move on and leave the work to someone more capable, but we all must face that moment sooner or later. That time has arrived for John McCain. The only other explanation for his comments on the developing crisis in Iraq is that he is intentionally attempting to mislead in order to attack the current administration.

McCain has been making the rounds of the cable news shows this week to condemn the administration for creating the atmosphere which has allowed the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites to once again reach a fever pitch telling The Guardian on Thursday:
“The president should get rid of his entire national security team, including the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and bring the team in who won the conflict in Iraq in to turn this situation around, but it’s going to be extremely difficult to do so.”
On Friday, during an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, John McCain compared leaving a residual force to maintain order in Iraq to those left following other conflicts in Japan, Korea and Bosnia.

McCain told Chris Cuomo on CNN’s New Day on Friday:
“It’s important for us to note that in other wars and other conflicts, we have left residual forces behind, not in a combat role, but a stabilizing role. Whether it be Korea, Japan, Germany. We still have forces in Bosnia from that conflict. We had it won, and we needed to have a residual force.”
It is quite a stretch to compare Iraq and Bosnia in any way, in Iraq we had over 4,500 fatalities as opposed to 18 in Bosnia in a conflict that was driven by ethnic divisions which are always much easier to resolve than religious divisions.

McCain then made the most telling statement, the one that proves he has lost all contact with reality:
“We had literally no casualties there in Iraq during the last period after the surge was over, and by leaving a vacuum, then that was obviously filled.”
Literally? It would seem that the Senator has forgotten the meaning of the word since we did, in fact, take casualties including 66 fatalities and 297 wounded in the year following the surge before our final troops left the country in December of 2011. The Senator might be forgiven for saying that we sustained few casualties, since it was by comparison to other years in the war a low number but to claim that there were absolutely none is just not true.

Watch McCain’s absurd remarks in the video below.

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