Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How Gay Guys Can Change The LGBT World

gay men help with lgbt rights

Everyone has the power to change the world, including gay guys. It is, after all, our world. Everything in it has been handcrafted, thought of, and put it into practice by us. We are the ones who can either progress it forward or pull it backward. But the secret is, it all begins with us.The root of happiness is having a sense of purpose. If our purpose in life is selfish, we can’t be surprised that things end up a bit sour. By turning our efforts into something meaningful, we will undoubtedly change the world for the better. Here are a few things we all should start doing:

#1) Aim to Inspire, Instead of Being “Respected” It’s a strange world we’re living in. We all want a title and everyone needs to be better than the person behind them. It’s an endless competition and our world economy hasn’t made it any better. There always seems to be an invisible countdown to death and whoever earns more is the one who gains more respect, henceforth enhancing their social value. There are so many things wrong with this picture.

I’m not against wanting respect. It’s a human right we all should have, but I don’t think it should ever be the motive of living. Our goals are realized by how we make people feel. If we inspire them to do better, be better, act better, think better, live better, we inadvertently gain more than respect. We earn a place in their hearts, which will inspire them to want to do the same thing for somebody else.

#2) Be There For LGBT Youth We all have different experiences with coming out. Some have had very supportive parents while others have been thrown out of their homes. Whatever your story is, it’s crucial that you be a voice of knowledge for LGBT youth who desperately need role models. We might think that times are getting better (and they are) but it’s not nearly as good as we say. The percentage of LGBT teens that commit suicide are trumpeting over straight teens. They need someone to talk to. Be that voice. Be that person. Be that role model you wish you had when you were younger. This is one of the best ways to send the message that it’s okay and there is life on the other end of the tunnel.

#3) Start Believing in Second Chances We’re only human. It’s at the brink of destructive patterns that we change for the better. It’s at the precipice of trouble we finally see the consequences of our behavior. Mistakes inspire us to veer in the right direction. No one should deny anyone the opportunity to change. We all deserve that chance. You do, I do, and the people who wronged us do. Open your mind to the limitless possibilities of people’s ability to grow and learn from their mistakes and you’ll soon find things you might never have seen before.

#4) Fight Hate With Love Hate cannot survive whenever love is present. One of the roots of hate is misunderstanding, and the greatest thing that love provides is understanding. It’s the missing piece of the equation, which, when placed together, creates a limitless amount of knowledge. People are mean because they want to feel better about themselves, but trust me it’s hard to be mean to a person who is constantly sitting in love and gratitude. A person relishing in love is far above the rest there is literally no point in trying to bully or taunt them. It does nothing for the bully and only makes the lover stronger.

#5) Smile at a stranger You won’t believe the power of a smile, especially to someone you don’t know. There are incredible healing powers that, in a way, are supernatural. It’s an exchange of energy. It’s a way of saying “I see you,” “I appreciate you,” “I acknowledge you,” “Your life is valid.” A smile can jumpstart anyone’s heart like a battery and as they continue the rest of their day, all they want to do is spread the joy. One smile can change an entire community.

#6) Twitter & Facebook With a Purpose Social media has created many opportunities to bully and judge, but they’ve also created multitudes of chances to do good for the world. People read these statuses on their newsfeed and the more negativity they see, the more negative they’ll feel. If all you’re doing is complaining, bitching, bullying, or judging everything and everyone on your Twitter, eventually the people reading it will get an idea about you and what your character is. Change the attitude and start Tweeting with a purpose. People will feed from that and everything will fall into place.

#7) Anonymous Gestures Doing good deeds is proven to make the world a better place. They make you feel valuable, which ups your esteem. Simple things like paying for someone’s meal, mowing your neighbor’s lawn, pasting a nice Post-It note on your coworker’s cubicle, etc. will inspire anyone to pay it forward. Good deeds are the secret to success. Without them, the human race would be nowhere. To think we can make it through life totally alone is a foolish assumption. We need people. Offering a helping hand will remind us of that lesson.

#8) Express Admiration More Often What’s the harm in a simple compliment? Lately we’ve been trained to think that by admiring someone, we’re therefore giving away some of our power. Trust me, a bit of humility does wonders. Start telling people how much you appreciate them. Express to them how you admire their work, their efforts, their joy, and their time. It will surely inspire them to be a better person. Don’t be afraid of sharing your enthusiasm with the rest of the world. Whether you realize it or not, it makes the people around you appreciate your value much more.

#9) Donate & Volunteer There are so many opportunities to volunteer if you open your eyes. Donate clothes, volunteer for charity events, LGBT rallies, anti-hate campaigns, political campaigns, or even your friend’s cousin’s boyfriend’s kid’s school play. Spend your free time making other people feel good and you will feel twice as good. It’s the rule of the universe and it always plays out in your favor. The world needs you. Here are a few websites you should check out if you’re looking to volunteer some time:
#10) It Starts With You You are the master of your day. You control what or where you drive, walk, attend, say, think, do. The game has always been in your hands and no one else has ever had control. You make the rules so it’s time to start playing by them. Gather your thoughts and start doing just as much as you dream. It all works out in the end.

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