Monday, October 20, 2014

Meet Idaho's Most Outspoken Anti-Gay Bigots and Their Hateful Truck

Boise, Idaho-area couple Justin and Melanie Sease are driving around in a car painted with phrases like "HOMOSEXUALITY is a sin & a abomination", "Just Say NO to Gay Marriage", and "GOD'S NOT DEAD". They say they're speaking out for others who are afraid to do the same in light of the recent arrival of marriage equality in the state, and whine to KBOI that they're being ridiculed for it:

"We've had a few homosexual extremists who cuss us out and get very angry with us and threaten us."
Why are they on a crusade?

Says Justin, who claims he's "taking a stand for the Heavenly Father"

"We can never accept public homosexuality. It's wrong, and it's wrong in God's eyes first. He's very clear in the Bible. The Bible says that when homosexuality is publicly accepted, basically it spreads like a cancer....This is kind our little way of protesting the homosexual extremist movement..."

Said Melanie:

"If nobody else is going to do it, why not start doing it. Hopefully, other people will join us and follow us and do what we're doing.Most everyone who has seen our vehicles gives us a thumbs up, waves, smiles, or honks."

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