Thursday, April 25, 2013

Well this is one thing we can agree on!

Former FLOTUS Barbara Bush Agrees With America on a Jeb 2016 Run: “We’ve Had Enough Bushes”. 

Omar Rivero
25 April, 2013
Former First Lady Barbara Bush on Thursday doused the presidential ambitions of her son Jeb, just as the former Florida Governor has started exploring a possible run for the White House in 2016.
Continuing her “unBush-like” streak of saying reasonable things that agree with the opinions of the American people at large, Barbara was surprisingly candid in her response when the question of Jeb running for the oval office  came up on NBC’s “Today Show”.

“He’s by far the best qualified man, but no. I really don’t. I think this is a great country. There are a lot of great families, and it’s not just for the families, or whatever. There are other people out there who are very qualified. We’ve had enough Bushes.”, Barbara eagerly stated.

While Jeb was always known as the family achiever, his older brother George bounced around between failed family business ventures financed by friends of his parents. In 1994, political pundits all around the US forecast that Jeb would be elected Gov. Of Florida, while George would lose in Texas to popular Democratic Gov. Ann Richards. Of course, the opposite proved to be the case, as George went on to become governor of Texas and Jeb lost to Florida’s Democratic Gov. Lawton Childs.

When it comes to his presidential ambitions, Jeb Bush has made no secret about his intention to run, booking several Sunday talk shows and sweetheart interviews on FOXNews.

Apparently, Barbara Bush is worried about the Bush Legacy, and with America already having suffered through two awful presidencies and three terms plagued by scandals, corruption, and economic disasters, she doesn’t want a third Bush to add fuel to the fire.

Her assertions are at odds with the beliefs of her eldest son, former President George W. Bush, who was vocal in urging his brother to run.

“He’d be a marvelous candidate if he chooses to do so. He doesn’t need my counsel ’cause he knows what it is, which is ‘run,’ ” the former president told ABC’s Diane Sawyer earlier this week.
Let’s hope that Jeb listens to the wise words of his mother and decides not to inflict another Bush presidential run on the American people. Let’s make our voices heard and help him make this easy decision by sharing this and other related articles on social media.

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