Payola, is indeed, taking place. Heritage Foundation and FreedomWorks (linked to the Tea Party/Koch Bros.) have been paying Rush Limbaugh and
Glenn Beck, according to Dick Armey, former FreedomWorks Chairman.
Limbaugh and Beck are taking money to talk up the right-wing agendas
unbeknownst to their audiences. Pretty seedy – and it maybe illegal.
Some decades ago there was a shake-up in the music industry. Record
execs were using payola to push their music/agendas. A law was
passed making it illegal. FCC
has specific rules against payola in the broadcast industry.
Apparently, Rush Limbaugh’s show is being overlooked. With the new FCC Chairman coming in, maybe the government agency will take a good, long, and hard look into the goings on at Clear Channel.
An FCC rule states:
Any broadcast station employee who has accepted or agreed to accept payment for the airing of program material, and the person making or promising to make the payment, must disclose this information to the station prior to the airing of the program.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the FCC rule turns out to be the ticket for
Limbaugh’s demise? And isn’t it ironic? Conservatives are always
preaching “Free Market.” Once again, right-wing hypocrisy rears its ugly
To help finish the job and get Rush Limbaugh off public radio:
Sign: Petition To Clear Channel and 40 Limbaugh Sponsors
Join Boycott-Rush-Limbaughs-Sponsors-to-SHUT-HIM-DOWN
Visit: The StopRush Database
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