Monday, May 6, 2013

Catholics suspend priest for blowing whistle on sex abuse of minors

This is what is wrong with the Catholic Church. They are blind to the harm they cause. They are more interested in keeping the faithful and keeping the money flow coming in to pay for the abuse claims and to keep the Pope in gold dresses that they will hide anything and everything under the rug. It's time to sell off their property and pay off the abused and feed the poor. You know the stuff that Jesus actually commanded his Church to do.
The Catholic Church reportedly suspended a Ugandan priest for blowing the whistle on child sex abuse in that country.  The priest was told to apologize and help cover up the crimes, because, he was advised, that’s what one is supposed to do.  He refused, and got suspended.

The priest is named Anthony Musaala.  And the LA Times reports that he was suspended indefinitely by the archbishop of Kampala for blowing the whistle on child sex abuse, among other wrongdoing, in Uganda.

Father Musaala via a YouTube video.To appreciate why the Catholic Church is so upset with Musaala, you have to appreciate something about Africans and child sex abuse – they (at least their Catholic leaders) think it’s a white thing.  I wrote a while back about Ghanian Cardinal Peter Turkson, who was reportedly on the short list for Pople, who recently said that pedophilia isn’t a problem in the African church because being gay is a white thing (so many levels of ignorance in that one statement).

Father Musaala via a YouTube video.

As we know, the Catholic church is bad enough on confronting the child-rapists in its midst.  But throw in the African notion that homosexuality (which is how they incorrectly define pedophilia) is a white thing, and you have a perfect storm of denial.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this when I first logged into FB this morning and then couldn't find it.


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