Illlinois LGBT activist group Gay Liberation Network is planning to
picket Rep. Greg Harris, the lead sponsor of the marriage equality bill
pending in the state legislature, on Saturday.
group's demand: "a party-line vote in favor of the bill by the
Democratic Caucus, which holds a super-majority in Illinois's House of
Writes the group, via press release:
GLN has been unique in publicly targeting the Democratic caucus, and
especially House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago), for the failure of
the bill, SB10, during the spring session and its uncertain fate in the
current session.
"Because Speaker Madigan is so powerful, controlling access to jobs and
contracts, most organizations are afraid to take him on and bluntly
place blame where it's due," said GLN co-founder Andy Thayer. "Madigan
controls the House as surely as Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel controls the
City Council. When Madigan has wanted a party-line vote for far less
popular measures, like gifts to the wealthy and well-connected, he's had
no problem ramming them through the House. Like it or not, and mostly
not, that's the way that politics works in this state."
The protest is scheduled for 2 PM, Saturday, October 26 in front of Harris's district office, 1967 W. Montrose Avenue, Chicago.
Additionally, the Illinois Unites coalition has launched a three-day petition drive asking for a vote.
On Tuesday, after the March on Springfield, GLN unfurled a banner in the Capitol Building rotunda demanding SB10 be passed.
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