Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope

Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope
These are the best kinds of snowflakes: the kind that are under the lens of a camera and not piled up outside my door. A Russian photographer uses a set up he made himself to take these photos. See more below!

Russian photographer Alexey Kljatov uses a homemade camera rig to take these amazing close-ups of the snowflakes that fall on his balcony. A selection is below, but check out his blog for many, many more.

Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope1
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope2
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope3
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope
Amazing close-up photos of snowflakes taken without a microscope4

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