Thursday, December 5, 2013

‘I Can’t Help You’: Eric Cantor Blows Off 9 Year Old Girl

Why does the GOP hate children?

It’s not just that Republicans shut down the government, which made many families on government assistance programs nervous they wouldn’t have food to eat, or that Republicans slashed $40 billion from their food stamps bill, or that they voted 46 times to repeal Obamacare, which, if successful, would allow insurance companies to kick children off their parents’ health care programs.

It’s not just that Speaker of the House John Boehner blew off two young DREAMers a few weeks ago, who approached him and invited him to sit down and have breakfast with them.

Now, Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor was caught pulling a John Boehner.

Today, nine-year old Liz Maquez, a U.S. citizen whose father is in danger of being deported, approached Cantor in the halls of Congress. Maquez tried to talk to Cantor about her dad and immigration reform, but the Virginia Congressman couldn’t give her the time of day.

In a video released by FIRM, the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, it took Cantor less than five seconds to blow off the nine-year old girl.

“Please” was all she got to ask.

“I can’t help you. Good to see you,” was Rep. Cantor’s response.

And perhaps he was actually, in a rare moment, being truthful.

John Boehner, despite news of having hired an immigration reform expert today, has made it clear he has no intention of bringing immigration reform to the House floor.


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