Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sean Hannity Cuts and Runs After Getting Schooled On Obamacare

It’s not often that the facts and reality regarding Obamacare come out on Sean Hannity’s FOXNews lie marathon, but when they do, the conservative host cuts and runs like a scared playground bully.

That’s precisely what happened on Friday’s edition of the Sean Hannity Show. While the host was in the middle of one of his Obamacare “panel” segments, two brave and very informed supporters of Pres. Obama’s signature reform spoke out and hit him with the hard reality of the Republican Party’s hypocritical opposition to Obamacare’s countless benefits and improvements to our old healthcare system.

Hannity’s response? “I gotta go.”

However, he did find the time to ask one more question and ask for a show of hands, “Who here thinks this (law) is wildly popular?”

Predictably, only a few members of the largely conservative audience raised their hand.

One of them dropped this gem on Hannity, “Not yet, but it will be! And in 10 years you will be taking credit for it, Sean!”

At this point, FOXNews is liberal commentator Alan Colmes jumped in and hit him with a list of popular reforms included in Obamacare, leaving Hannity visually flustered and grasping for an answer.

Hannity’s rebuttal? “Coming up next…”

In typical FOXNews fashion, he lied through his teeth and ran away when confronted by the truth.

Please watch this very telling video and shared this article on social media forums so that everyone will see what paid FOXNews shills do when confronted by a hard dose of Obamacare truth.

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