Tuesday, April 15, 2014



Yesterday we reported that anti-gay wingnut Peter LaBarbera was held up at the Canadian border as officals conducted background checks on whether he might be in violation of the country's hate speech laws for his sermonizing against homosexuality.

He was eventually let in to the country, CBC reports:

LaBarbera claimed Canadian authorities were influenced by a group calling itself Intolerance-Free Weyburn, which did not want him to deliver his speech.

"I think it's a good precedent that, ultimately, their demands were not honoured," he said.

"I hope this bodes well for Canada and America. You should be able to have a debate on this issue."

The Canada Border Services Agency declined to comment on what had transpired, citing confidentiality reasons.

But more protests against "Porno Pete" were yet to come at the anti-abortion speech he was scheduled to give.

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