Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Things I Wish I Knew When I Was in the Closet

 Be honest about who you are. Don’t hide yourself away. Be proud.
I get that most of what being in the closet entails is a lot of lying, a lot of gender neutral pronouns and nodding your head every time your dad or grandma asks when you’re bringing home a nice [insert race/nationality/religious affiliation] girl, but do so knowing that you ARE proud of who you are. Don’t hate yourself every time you lie to your family and friends; we lie to protect the ones closest to us, and most of that stems from us thinking that we will hurt our family members beyond repair if we’re honest. Maybe that’s the case. At least, that’s what I grew up thinking. In the end, it’s really all comes down to you and what you need to do for yourself to make yourself happy.
You get one life. One chance to get it right. Why waste time being unhappy? Be proud of who you are because you are amazing, you are inspiring, and one day you’ll admire yourself for being honest. Anybody who is worth anything to you will agree.

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