Friday, April 18, 2014

Things I Wish I Knew When I Was in the Closet

“I love you unconditionally for who you are because you are perfect.”We don’t say “I love you” enough to people we truly love, and when we do, it’s done so in jest.
I wish that someone had sat me down and said to me: “I love you for who you are” because despite not being out and proud, I needed to hear it from the people I held closest to me. It was only after I came out that pretty much all of them said, “Yeah, I knew you were gay.” When I asked, “Why didn’t you tell me that?” because it could’ve saved me a lot of heartache, they all said, “It was your journey to take.” Those closest to us somehow always know our deepest secrets, our darkest fears, and for most trapped in the closet, that includes everybody around us we hold dear finding out about us and turning their backs on us. So even though I knew that they did love me, I would have loved to hear “I love you just the way you are.”
So to everybody out there struggling to find their identity and come to terms with who you are, know this:
You are not alone.
You are perfect.
You deserve love.
You are every bit as equal.
You are everything.

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