Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Westboro Baptist Gets Trolled, Doesn’t Like it One Little Bit

Apparently missing the incredible irony of the situation, the Westboro Baptist Church is planning to stage a protest against a liquor store in Moore Oklahoma that displayed a sign celebrating the death of the church’s founder, Fred Phelps — saying that it “went too far.”
Moore Liquor has gained a local reputation for its humorous marquee signs that greet customers. When news of the WBC’s head pastor’s death made headlines, the liquor store decided to take the opportunity to give the church a little of it’s own medicine, displaying a sign that said, “Fred Phelps, 1929-2014. Champagne 10% off! Not a coincidence.”
The store’s owner Bryan Kerr said he was trying to be humorous without crossing too much over the line.
“Fred Phelps is the kind of guy who is very difficult for reasonable people to like, and I knew I wanted to do something that had just a little bit of humor but wasn’t too disrespectful,” he said.
“As you would expect, the response has been incredibly positive,” Kerr added.
But to the surprise of Kerr, his sign’s viral reach managed to catch the attention of its intended target, when the WBC announced Wednesday on Twitter that it would picket Moore Liquor on April 5th.
Watch a report on the story from NewsOK in the video below:

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