Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ALASKA: First Marriage Lawsuit Filed

Via press release: 
In an effort to change Alaska’s definition of marriage, five same-sex couples have filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Gov. Sean Parnell and other state officials. The lawsuit claims that an amendment added to the Alaska Constitution in 1998, defining marriage as being between one man and one woman, violates their due process and equal protection under the 14th. 

Four of the plaintiff couples hold marriage licenses from other states that allow same-sex marriage. One couple is seeking the right to marry in Alaska. “Under current Alaska law, a couple who marries in Seattle and returns home to Alaska are married in the eyes of the law when their plane lifts off from SeaTac, but are legal strangers when the flight touches down in Alaska,” said Heather Gardner, one of three Alaska attorneys representing the plaintiffs. 

“No Alaskan is a second class citizen,” she said. “We are taking a stand because marriage should be available to all loving couples,” said Matthew Hamby one of the plaintiffs who married his partner Christopher Shelden last year in Utah. “It’s important to us that our family is recognized by the State of Alaska and that we have the same rights and privileges as others."
North Dakota and Montana are now the only states without marriage equality lawsuits. 

Read the full Alaska filing at Scribd.

1 comment:

  1. This is going on up here, also:


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