Friday, May 16, 2014

Bryan Fischer Says Michael Sam Has a Bomb Under the Floorboards Of His Life:

Bryan Fischer Focal Point
Hot on the tails of saying that Michael Sam needs therapy and comparing his orientation to aconcussion, Bryan Fischer's love affair with Michael Sam continues as he claims that Sam is just a bomb waiting to go off, saying,
[L]iterally has got an improvised explosive device sitting under the floorboards of his life, and the NFL apparently doesn't care.
Ignoring the fact that Fischer doesn't understand the difference between "literally" and "figuratively", he goes on to cite the standard outdated junk health statistics from the 80s and 90s during the height of the AIDS epidemic to assert that Sam is going to shorten his life. If Fischer were really concerned about Sam's health and not just an opportunist troll latching onto the latest trending topic in gay news, he would be addressing the literal (not figurative) concussion rates among defensive ends in the NFL.

1 comment:

  1. I believe Michael Sam has an "IED" located above his knees and below his belt, that frequently goes off in and around his bf Vito Cammisano. :)


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