Saturday, May 17, 2014

Elizabeth Hasselbeck is afraid for the future of homophobes

Lizzy who was booted from the View and could only score a public access TV show, bit and spit her nails worrying about the future of homophobes in this world. Horrified that they might be silenced for ever.
The F&F  hosts were discussing Miami Dolphins player Don Jones, who tweeted his ignorance- no, STUPIDITY, about Michael Sam kissing and embracing his boyfriend after he received the call that he had been drafted to the St.Louis Rams. Jones tweeted “omg” and “horrible”.
Said Hasselbeck: “When you look at what the NFL is saying though, now, this is a strong message. They are going on the offense against any sort of offensive comments out there. But does it offend those with their free speech and their opinions to voice them?”
She continues: “Certainly when it comes on the field. Will they then go after what is said in the huddle, in a tackle, on the bottom of a pile? Because if you have those times mic’d, you’re going to be hearing a lot of comments which would be deemed offensive. Where does this go from here?”
Oh Lizzy.You are just completely dumb.
And if the segment couldn't get anymore stupider, Donald Trump called in saying that same kissing his boyfriend “looked pretty out there to me.” And then added this little about Jones being fined: “We've become so politically correct in this country that the country is going to hell.”
No, the country is not but we can only hope he is. ;) Michael Sam embraced and KISSED (OMG!) his boyfriend the same way any straight draftee would have embraced their girlfriends or wife after a momentous moment. 
File this under douchebags.

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