Monday, May 26, 2014

Virginia Republicans Ban Opening Prayers from Pagans, Polytheists at Public Meetings

The Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors in Virginia has landed themselves in hot water recently when they recently prohibited prayer invoking “neo-pagan, polytheistic, pre-Christian deities” that don’t fall under the purview of “the Judeo-Christian tradition.”

The limitation was set into place after denying the request that a Wiccan’s invocation be added to the list of prayers. They denied it based on the above stipulations; that is, the invocation is neo-pagan, polytheistic, pre-Christian and outside this mythical “Judeo-Christian” mystery religion. In response, the ACLU and Americans United sent a letter to the board stating that all of the various faiths must have an opportunity to pray at the beginning of meetings in order to be compliant with the First Amendment.

Revered Barry Lynn said in the letter that, “the First Amendment requires governing bodies to allow everyone the chance to deliver prayers before official meetings. If they don’t, then what they’re doing is unconstitutional.”

ACLU of Virginia Executive Director Claire Guthrie GastaƱaga added that:
Under our Constitution, we stand before our government as equals, regardless of religion. Chesterfield County may not make theological distinctions among its residents.
What the board of supervisors is proposing is blatant discrimination. They were likely among the ones most pleased by the unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling that allowed prayer in the first place; it’s time for everyone with a non-”Judeo-Christian” faith to stand up and make the theocrats regret they even wanted it by demanding equal time. Especially neo-pagan, polytheistic, pre-Christian religions that fall outside of the purview of their mythical “Judeo-Christian” faith.

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