Saturday, May 10, 2014

WBC Member Leaves Church, Talks Appreciation for LGBT Community

Zach Phelps-Roper
Zach Phelps-Roper 

One of the grandsons of the late Fred Phelps has left the vehemently anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church, which Phelps founded, and is speaking out about the organization and how his views on the LGBT community have dramatically changed, the Topeka Capital-Journal reports.
Zach Phelps-Roper, 23, is the fourth Phelps-Roper sibling and one of at least 20 family members to leave the WBC, which is known for its protests, funeral picketing and message "God Hates Fags." In a new interview with the Capital-Journal, he explains his why he now rejects the church’s teachings and discusses reconnecting with the other excommunicated family members.
"I believe that empathy and unconditional love are what is absolutely necessary for us to free ourselves and each other from mind traps and from the many problems that are plaguing our society," Phelps-Roper told the newspaper.
Phelps-Roper moved out of the WBC compound, headquartered in Topeka, Kans., on Feb. 20, with the help of his cousins.
He tells the newspaper that since he’s left the church, he’s received love and support from the LGBT community and that he no longer shares the same views as the WBC. He added that gay people have offered to buy him meals, drinks and empathize with his struggles.

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