Tuesday, June 3, 2014

GOP Education Candidate Wants to Teach ‘Scientific Theory of Intelligent Design’ to Children

Sharon Few, a Republican who hopes to become the top education official in the State of South Carolina, wants to have a form of creationism taught in schools.

Few, one of eight Republicans campaigning for the Superintendent of Education, said during a primary debate on Tuesday that she believed “intelligent design” — that is, creationism in a clown suit — should be taught along with evolutionary theory. No word on whether she thinks that we should teach the Earth is flat and whether or not we should teach the stork theory of sex ed (which would actually be an improvement). During the debate, Few said:
In regard to the evolution issue, I have to say that that is one of the problems with our education system today, and it is one of the problems that has been brought to light through the problems with the Common Core standards. Children are not receiving an objective education.” 
“There is plenty of science and research behind the theory of intelligent design, and yet it is not allowed in the classroom. There is no reason why the scientific theory of intelligent design should not be taught in the classroom alongside the theory of evolution, and that way children would receive an objective education and they could also — for Christian children — could point to their God though the theory of intelligent design. Children need to have an objective education.
She needs to look up the definition of “objective” — “objective” does not mean “whatever I agree with.”

You can watch Few in the video below.

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