Friday, June 6, 2014

Long Beach, California Elects Robert Garcia, Its First Out Gay Mayor

City Councilman Robert Garcia was elected mayor of Long Beach, California yesterday. He is the city's first openly gay mayor and its youngest mayor ever.

Said Garcia to NBC Los Angeles: "I think you run, not necessarily to be the first, I know that there are certainly historical implications of my election. I’m in this to be mayor of everyone, no matter the age or the color of their skin or who they love...We have one of the largest Cambodian communities outside of Cambodia, a large Latino community, a large LGBT population, and we have everyone. I really think that’s what makes Long Beach strong."

Garcia was born in Peru and came to the U.S. when he was five-years=old. He was the first in his family to go to college, and received his master's from USC.

Long Beach is the seventh-largest city in California.

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