Monday, October 6, 2014

New Charges Filed Against National Organization for Marriage (NOM) in California

The nation’s most virulently anti-LGBT political organization, the Washington, DC based National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has run afoul of election laws from Hawaii to Maine. Now it appears they have once again broken state law during their ill-fated attempt to quality a referendum in California earlier this year.

NOM antagonist, Fred Karger, president of Rights Equal Rights, today filed a 35 page sworn complaint against Brian Brown and his NOM with the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), the state’s campaign ethics enforcement agency.
“The known hate group, NOM came into California once again to go after the LGBT community. NOM sponsored and led the attempted repeal of the landmark “School Success & Opportunity Act,” AB 1266. The law passed last year by the legislature and signed by the governor, allows transgender students access to the appropriate facilities in our schools,” said Karger.
The NOM Shady Seven
State law requires that the seven individuals and organizations listed below each file a Major Donor Report with the California Secretary of State’s office. These reports were due by January 31, 2014, because these donors contributed $10,000 or more to NOM’s “Privacy for all Students – Repeal AB 1266” referendum qualification. None filed a Major Donor report with the California Secretary of State.

Sean Fieler - New Jersey’s Sean Fieler gave Privacy for all Students (PFAS) at least $200,000. Fieler contributed $80,000 to PFAS on 9/25/14, $70,000 on 10/7/14 - $50,000 on 11/1/14 for a total of $200,000. Fieler did not file a Major Donor Report with California election officials.


NOM’s #1 Backer, Sean Fieler
Peterson Holding Company – gave $10,000 to PFAS on 11/10/13. Peterson Holding Company did not file a Major Donor Report with California election officials. 

Thomas Bengard -- this investor from San Clemente, California gave $10,000 to PFAS on 10/18/13. Bengard did not file a Major Donor Report with California election officials

Andrew & Rebecca Hagelin – these Placida, Florida residents gave $25,000 to PFAS on 10/24/13. The Hagelins did not file a Major Donor Report with California election officials.

Calvary Chapel of Chino Hills -- this California church gave $10,000 to PFAS on 9/26/13 & $10,000 more on 10/25/13 for a total of $20,000. Calvary Chapel of Chino Hills did not file a Major Donor Report with California election officials.

Pacific Justice Institute – this Sacramento, California based anti-LGBT designated hate group gave $10,000 to PFAS on 9/23/14. Pacific Justice Institute did not file a Major Donor Report with California election officials. 

Larry Smith – of Newport Beach, California and President of MHI Real Estate gave $10,000 to PFAS on 10/7/13. Smith did not file a Major Donor Report with California election officials 
Consultant Frank Schubert in Hot Water Again?

"NOM longtime political director, Sacramento based Frank Schubert should know better. In our 35 page complaint, we show exactly how NOM appears to have avoided reporting hundreds of thousands of dollars raised and spent by “Privacy for all Students – Stop AB 1266,” the campaign committee it ran (I.D. # 1359959). As NOM's lead consultant, Frank Schubert should not only know California election laws, but should obey them.” said Karger.
NOM’s Political Director, Frank Schubert
Karger filed his first complaint against NOM in California back in 2012 for not reporting $345,000 it received to qualify and pass Proposition 8 (including $10,000 from Mitt Romney). The FPPC launched an immediate investigation, but soon thereafter, NOM threatened to sue the 40 year old ethics office asking them to destroy the complaint and the evidence. NOM later had me subpoenaed in its federal lawsuit against the IRS as revenge.

“NOM head Brian Brown and his operation are ruthtless. They’re under investigation all over the country, and now it looks like we’ve caught them red-handed once again,” added Karger.

NOM Guilty in Maine and Under Investigation All Over
NOM was recently fined a whopping $50,500 in the state of Maine for money laundering in that state’s 2009 election to repeal Maine’s’ same-sex marriage law. NOM fought that sworn complaint, also filed by Karger, all the way to both the Maine and United States Supreme Courts. NOM lost both state and federal lawsuits in its attempt to keep its donors secret in absolute violation of that state’s election law.

NOM is under investigation by the Hawaii Ethics Commission for not reporting its lobbying activities and money spent last year while it tried to stop marriage equality from passing in the Aloha State.

NOM is currently under an over one year investigation by the Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board for alleged money laundering during its participation in two recent Iowa State Supreme Court judicial retention elections. 

And NOM along with former presidential candidate Rick Santorum and Iowa’s Bob VanderPlaats of the Family Leader are all under a Federal Election Commissioninvestigation on charges of laundering nearly $1 million to help Santorum’s presidential campaign in the 2012 Iowa Caucus.

Because of NOM’s long history of intimation, threats and law breaking, we are sending copies of our sworn FPPC complaint to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Sacramento District Attorney Jan Scully and incoming Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert (sister of NOM’s Frank Schubert).

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