Friday, April 26, 2013

The N. O. M. Titanic

After marriage bills advanced in France, Rhode Island, and Delaware, Santa Fe voted to support marriage equality, and Nevada voted to repeal its ban on same-sex marriage, NOM's Brian Brown called it a "tough week" in a letter to supporters. Brown then went on to honor a "heroic marriage champion" lawmaker in Rhode Island, Senator Harold M. Metts, D-Providence/Slater, whose speech Jeremy Hooper kindly summarized:
In his twelve minute floor speech (/sermon), Rhode Island senator Harold Metts (D-Providence/Slater) viciously condemned gay people as having "vile affections," called "acts of sodomy" an "abomination to God," warned that ancient civilizations were destroyed for going against God and intimated that our LGBT-accepting society is going the same way, claimed "Satan and gunmen have come in" to our schools (with inclusive school books as his followup example), and intimated that people can just up and change their "sexual preferences" at whim.
Brian and Maggie better find a piece of plywood to cling on to fast if these are the people they're holding up as role models.
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