Saturday, May 4, 2013

Five Myths About Obamacare

Myth #1: Starting in 2014, everyone must either have health insurance or pay a penalty—no exceptions.
The following groups are exempt from the ACA requirement to have coverage:

Myth # 2: If you're insured through your employer, Obamacare won’t help you.
The healthcare law provides many new protections to those who already have health insurance 

Myth #3: All businesses will be required to provide health insurance to their employees. through their jobs, and it also gives employers incentives to offer better coverage.
This is simply not true. The “shared responsibility” requirements in the Affordable Care Act apply to employers with at least 50 full-time employees. These large employers may have to pay a penalty if they don’t offer coverage to their full-time employees. The majority of American small businesses don’t have 50 employees.

Myth #4: Undocumented immigrants will receive federal aid to buy health insurance.
Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for either Medicaid or the new tax credits that will help pay for private insurance.

Myth #5: My state isn’t setting up its own health exchange, so it’s exempt from Obamacare.
If a state doesn’t set up its own health exchange the federal government will ensure that consumers in that state still have a place to get insurance by setting up an exchange for the state.

All of the other important consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act—like the prohibition on discrimination based on pre-existing conditions; the option for young adults to stay on their parent’s plans until they turn 26; and access to recommended preventive services with no co-payments—will still apply to that state.

I just put the myths and the truth's here see the article for much more info!

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