Monday, May 6, 2013

NFL Player Brendan Ayanbadejo on Homosexuality: Equality Trumps Religion

"People have to realize, even though it's your right to have religion ... you can't use that right of religion to take other people's rights away. Equality trumps all of them," Ayanbadejo said.

Equality is more important than religion, Brendan Ayanbadejo, an NFL linebacker and outspoken advocate of gay rights, said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich argued that the push for so-called equality has infringed upon religious freedom.

Ayanbadejo played for the Baltimore Ravens last season and is currently a free agent.

Ayanbadejo added that "we protect and we believe in religion," and implied that religious people just need to be educated in order for them to agree with his view of homosexuality.

"So, we just need to open up people's eyes and educate people a little more," he said.

Ayanbadejo also appeared on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday as both shows were discussing the recent announcement by NBA basketball player Jason Collins that he is gay. Collins is the first active professional basketball player and only the second active player of any of the four major U.S. sports – basketball, football, baseball and hockey – to admit he is gay.


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