Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Palin Won’t Go Away

In her seemingly never-ending quest to frighten progressives and people with more than two functioning brain cells, Sarah Palin appears to be threatening to run for higher political office at the request of a Tea Party Group.
Despite slowly fading away after it was finally discovered everything Palin touches either turns to sh*t or loses all credibility, the Tea Party Leadership Fund is actively trying to draft the Avon lady to run for Senate in Alaska in 2014. Apparently Sharon Angle and Christine O’ Donnell didn’t cause enough humiliation and disappointment in 2010, so it’s time to bring in the big guns. The fund feels that Palin has a strong chance for victory on account of recent polling showing incumbent Democratic Senator Mark Begich with less than 50 percent of the vote. Big Gulps For Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. She doesn't have the ability to sell Avon. She would give it up like everything else. And Avon has some cool products, so Palin couldn't hack it.


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