Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Right Wing Facebook Page Posts Photoshopped Pic of Obama in Sexually Suggestive Situation With Daughter Sasha

The White Wing nut jobs over at the Facebook page “Libtards“ have clearly outdone themselves! While these folks are no strangers to posting lies, fabrications, and misrepresentations of our President’s policies and actions, they have gone too far this time — even for the most paranoid conservatives! The following completely real photograph was posted on “Libtards” this morning.
Yup…these degenerate scumbags have recently been circulating a terribly photoshopped picture of President Obama with his hand down Sasha’s pants — in public! Even a quick glance makes it obvious that this is altered, but that has not stopped
“self-employed” cartoonist and admin of the page Dixon Diaz from posting — and repeatedly defending this masterpiece. At first, it was thought that Dixon himself crafted this “Obamanation,” but sources tell AATTP that the image dates back at least to August–and the origin is very obviously not Diaz. 
Once some evil liberal scumbags found the unaltered photo and presented it in response to the “Libtards” post, Diaz took it a step further with a side-by-side comparison “proving” that this terribly photoshopped representation of Presidential molestation is irrefutable “proof” that Obama is a sick pedophile Muslim Socialist Communist Giraffe Fascist Un-Christian (was Muslim mentioned?) degenerate who is not fit for the office of President of the United States!
12-3-2013 11-16-12 AM
See? It’s not altered. He very helpfully noted the differences in the photos, citing those changes between the two as proof that they are, in actuality, two entirely different photographs! Of course even the most casual observer would note that aside from those badly performed alterations, the pictures are exactly the same.
One must wonder exactly what sort of person runs “Libtards.” What sort of sick individual would, knowing though his experience with Photoshopping images badly that the photo was altered, propagate a sexual representation of any child, let alone the President’s? Is this desperation to do anything possible to demonize Barack Obama, or is it som Only a look at this guy’s hard drive will tell us for sure.ething more sinister — a perverse obsession with at least one of President Obama’s daughters?

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