Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Stephen Fry tells quack who `cures` gays: `You could easily pass as a gay man`

British actor and human rights advocate Stephen Fry decided to go to California and interview young men who claim to have been “cured” of their homosexuality. Sadly, the “doctors” who claim they can “cure” gay people refused to permit Fry to meet with any of their patients. But Fry found one young man who went through the therapy, and of course failed to cure himself of anything other than self-loathing.

The whole notion of curing homosexuality has long been discredited by the the lead psychiatric and psychological associations, but sadly, in most states, it’s still legal to practice this quackery, though that’s starting to change. The faux therapy, which experts warn can actually cause harm, was recently outlawed in California and New Jersey – and other states are now looking at doing the same.

Fry then went and interviewed Joseph Nicolosi, who is probably the top religious right “expert” who claims he can cure gays. Nicolosi wouldn’t let Fry talk to any of his patients. This part of the interview was particularly delicious:
“I’m also interested in the phenomenon that’s become known in the last 20 years or so as ‘metrosexual.’ And without it being the least bit offensive, I would say you fit that rather well. You’re very well groomed. You could easily pass as a gay man, I could say [Fry chuckles].”
Nicolosi’s face was priceless as Fry said this:

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