Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Man who works to change gays involved in Utah's 'Stand For Marriage' rally

As VP of operations for the skewed hall of junk science that is NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality), Dave Pruden is quickly becoming the face of that "ex-gay" organization. A Mormon himself, Pruden also heads up an LDS organization that exists for the sole purpose of telling gay Mormons that they can and should "change" their "same-sex attractions." In short, Dave Pruden is a professional practitioner of that discredited idea of "curing" gay people. 

But get this: He's also one of the key figures behind Celebration of Marriage, the Utah group behind the anti-equality rally that NOM is now promoting. On its official website, Celebration for Marriage lists Pruden as one of its top dogs:
So much for the idea that they are simply "protecting marriage." As with all of these groups that fight against our civil marriage rights, you barely have to scratch the surface to see what's really going on. There is an end game that extends well beyond our ring fingers!

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