Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Indiana Religious Right's New Anti-Marriage Video

I'm always amazed at the logical loops the religious right tie around themselves. Here's the latest pep talk video for Indiana's proposed marriage amendment and, of course, it's all about the "right to vote."
The video starts right out with a moment of derp. 

"One of the blessings of living in America is that we live in a constitutional republic. We're a government of the people, by the people, and for the people," one man says before going on to praise the "right to weigh in" on all the important issues.

He conveniently forgets that there are three branches of government set up by the document he adores. When any judge makes a ruling or lawmakers pass legislation they don't like, suddenly the constitution becomes a tool of activists and should be ignored in favor of the popular vote. They spend the entire three minutes misinterpreting the writing they worship.

Sound familiar? I guess if you're already willing to stretch your holy book to fit your own needs, it's no small step to start warping the foundation of your government.

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