Monday, April 14, 2014


An extreme right-wing US radio host is warning of “a race of super gay male soldiers” that is plotting to kill Christians and take over America.
gay army
During a radio broadcast on Friday, Rick Wiles of TruNews claimed that Nazism was a “radical homosexual movement” and that Hitler was “trying to create race of super gay male soldiers”, according to Right Wing Watch. He also claims that gay rights advocates are literal Nazis who idolize Adolf Hitler.
 Indiana pastor and BarbWire editor Jeff Allen speaks with Rick Wiles below (transcript viaRight Wing Watch):

Wiles: It’s not an exaggeration to say homofascist because the German Nazi Party was homosexual, Hitler was a homosexual, the top Nazi leadership, all of them were homosexuals, it was a radical homosexual movement that gained political power, military power, and they were creating a homosexual special race. That’s what it was all about. It wasn’t this thing about an Aryan race of white people, blue-eyed, blonde-haired, white people, Hitler was trying to create a race of super gay male soldiers. That’s what he was creating.
When you understand what the real agenda of the homosexual movement was in the 30s and 40s and you see it is happening now here in the United States of America. I’m telling you, this is not an exaggeration. If it’s not stopped, it will end up in America just like it was in Germany but it won’t be the Jews that will be slaughtered, it will be the Christians.
Allen: Right. We haven’t gotten, fortunately, to the slaughtering part, but we’re getting to the point of the marginalizing part. Marginalized, get us to the edge, remove us from any influence in society.
Wiles: They are Nazi thought police and they’re going to be the worst kind of tyrants we’ve ever seen. The nightmare is only starting and if the Christians don’t get their act together, this is going to become a hellacious place to live and you’re going to have to go underground to be a Christian in this country. They’re going to hunt you down and they’re going to persecute you. That is the spirit that is alive in this country right now and is being embraced by political leaders in both parties, it is the new Nazism.
Allen: They already are hunting you down, they’re hunting you down. If they find out about you, they come after you.
Wiles: Yes. They’re looking for people. They want trophies, they want your head on the wall, they want to put your head on the wall, they’re looking for scalps because it emboldens them and it sends fear into their opponents. It is the worst kind of tyranny.
We will keep you updated on this developing story, and provide you an address to their training facility as soon as we find it.

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