Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Racist Who Terrorized Disabled Black Kids and Their Mother Forced to Wear ‘I’m a Bully’ Sign

A despicable racist has been sentenced to an unusual punishment in a suburb of Cleveland. 62-year-old Edmond Aviv was ordered to hold a sign that says in part, “I’m a Bully” at a busy intersection this weekend. Mr. Aviv has been accused of harassing his neighbor of more than ten years, Sandra Prugh.

He allegedly called Ms. Prugh “Monkey Mama” as she held her disabled, African-American adopted children. He has also spit on her and smeared dog feces on the children’s wheelchair ramp and on their car windows. His record also includes trying to run down the wheelchair-bound kids, blaring loud music at their house, and shining spotlights in their windows at all hours of the night.
South Euclid Municipal Court Judge Gayle Williams-Byers handed down the sentence after Aviv pleaded no contest to charges of fourth-degree disorderly conduct last month. He will be spending this Sunday, April 13th sporting the sandwich board. The sign and its lettering must be large enough to be read from 25 ft. away and must say:
“I AM A BULLY! I pick on children that are disabled, and I am intolerant of those that are different from myself. My actions do not reflect an appreciation for the diverse South Euclid community that I live in.”
If this seems humiliating, but still not harsh enough for this horrible creep, not to worry. The sentence also includes 15 days in jail, seven months’ probation, 100 hours of community service, anger management classes and mental-health counseling. He will also be required to publish a letter of apology to Prugh in a local paper.

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