Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Virginia GOP Congressional Candidate: Disabled Children God’s ‘Vengeance’ for Abortion

Virginia GOP state delegate and congressional candidate Bob Marshall said in 2010 that God punishes women who have abortions by giving them disabled children. “Nature takes its vengeance on subsequent children,” Marshall opined in 2010. “It’s a special punishment, Christians would suggest.”
On Thursday, Marshall doubled down on the comment, said that while he claimed he was “misinterpreted” in 2010 he will not be backing away from that comment, or any of his other controversial remarks–including his questioning of Supreme Court Justice Kennedy’s sexuality  for favoring marriage equality. “For all I know, Kennedy’s a homosexual,” he said. “You can’t be doing some of these things without this kind of conclusion,” he said. He defended the comment by claiming, “Clearly, some of the people who are making these decisions must be rationalizing their own bad behavior,” on Thursday.
Marshall also feels that abortions should not be banned in cases of incest. Why? Well, because sometimes incest is voluntary! “What if incest is voluntary?” he said. “Sometimes it is,” he said in a 1989 Boston Globe interview when he was research director of the American Life League.
The man who wants to be one of Virginia’s next Congressmen has repeatedly introduced fetal “personhood” bills in order to push the rights of the unborn above those of the mother and, in 2012, introduced a measure that would force women to undergo ultrasounds before they are able to have an abortion.
Virginia, remember when you go to the polls that a vote for Bob Marshall is a vote to force victims of incest to undergo forced ultrasounds before they anger God by exercising their right to dominion over their own bodies–which will lead to only one logical conclusion: disabled children in the future.

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