Thursday, May 1, 2014

Christian Woman Fired For Harassing Gay Coworker Cries “Discrimination” And “Intolerance” In New Suit

At the disciplinary meeting, Mbuyi reportedly also claimed she would never read children’s storybooks to kids if they involved same-sex parents. She claimed she “would not be able” to, based on he religious beliefs.

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A Christian nutjob and former nursery school teacher in the UK is suing her previous employer for violating her “religious freedom,” which she believes gave her the right to harass a lesbian coworker and refuse to perform job duties that included acknowledging gay couples.
Sarah Mbuyi is playing the “intolerant gays” card with the Telegraph this week, claiming that her previous employer unceremoniously fired her for having strong religious convictions that compelled her to spread hate in the workplace. A Christian group backing her case believes Christian values have been “outlawed” and that Mbuyi has been “robbed” of her freedoms.

According to Newpark Childcare, the London-based nursery that fired her, the 30-year-old was officially let go for “gross misconduct” and “harassment” after a disciplinary meeting found her guilty of provoking her lesbian coworker. According to Newpark, Mbuyi routinely probed a lesbian coworker about her sexuality, pushed her beliefs on coworkers, and even gave her lesbian coworker a Bible as a “get well soon” gift after an unrelated workplace accident.
Woe is me. Cue the world’s tiniest violin.

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