Monday, May 19, 2014

Fox in the Hen House: Fair & Balanced, Depending on Which Way the Wind Blows

When Walter Cronkite, America’s most respected news broadcaster, reported that the Vietnam War was unwinnable, President Lyndon Johnson sighed: "If we’ve lost Cronkite, we’ve lost the nation."

Anti-marriage forces are saying something similar, only this time it’s "If we’ve lost Bill O’Reilly." 

Fox News’ roster of on-air stars might continue to throw red meat to its core audience by fulminating against the "war on Christmas" and the "forced resignation" of the head of Mozilla. But if one starts peeling the onion of Fox’s ideology, it appears that Fox News is following polls that show the marriage battle has decisively gone our way. 

"Unlike abortion, nobody gets hurt when gays marry," wrote the network’s biggest star, Bill O’Reilly, back in May 2012. He hedges by complaining that anyone opposing marriage equality is branded a bigot. Look even further back: In 2002, O’Reilly called self-styled "ex-gay" poster boy Stephen Bennett an "idiot" on his radio show and "religious fanatic" later on TV. Full article here on Edge!

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