Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Kirk Cameron: Christianity Will Win Its War Against Gays

The Anti-Gay Lobby has really ran with its 2014 strategy of "Help, our intolerant views are no longer being tolerated." You know the strategy has become a memo shared with all of the American Taliban when Kirk Cameron, one of the anachronistic right's public faces, throws his weight behind it. Though he's retreated from his public battle against an American minority group in recent months, Kirk is back in a winded money-grab video for the anti-gay Alliance Defending Freedom. Starting around the 20 minute mark, Kirk can be seen trumpeting the homophobic movement's Hail Mary play, grasping for straws as Americans wake up and shake off decades of treating their fellow citizens like second class citizens. 
And yes, it's sad and a sign of the times when your "Big Guns" consist of Kirk Cameron. Good luck, Anti-Gay Lobby. 

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