Wednesday, May 28, 2014

NOM’s Complete Breakdown Is Just About Finished

The screwups at NOM have crossed a threshold this week, from “annoying” to “pure craziness.”

Despite marriage equality having definitively won in Pennsylvania and Oregon, NOM seems to think that they can still pull out a victory in both states. There are a couple reasons this is absolutely insane, starting with the fact that they are not even parties in the cases.
But even if they were, it wouldn’t matter, because the cases are over. Done. Decided. We won, the end.
And even if the cases weren’t over, and even if NOM was somehow allowed to participate, it STILL wouldn’t matter, because they don’t have a case. In the last year, anti-gay groups haven’t won a single court case, and they’ve lost nearly 20. Even if NOM was able to bumble its way into court somehow, they wouldn’t have anything persuasive to say once they got there. They’ve run out of cover.
Look, we understand that it sucks to be on the losing side of something. It’s really no fun. It must be extra-painful to have gone from a national force to an irrelevant laughingstock over the course of just a few years.
And couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of people.

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