Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Heartless Congress Wannabee Deploys Pro-Gun Robocalls Hours After Mass Shooting

Just one day after the deadly shooting at UCSB, the campaign of Tony Strickland sent out robocalls to all voters in the Los Angeles area touting his NRA endorsement.

The Strickland campaign has since backed off the robocalls, stating that the ill-timed call was scheduled before the shooting took place, and told the Huffington Post that the campaign “expressed sympathies to the families.” The spokesman, Evan Handy, was not available to answer whether or not the Strickland campaign was pulling the robocall all together — a robocall that was scheduled to run for several more days. Since Strickland used to represent Isle Vista and Santa Barbara as a state senator, some of the victims were also likely former constituents. Strickland is running for the seat left open by Buck McKeon, a veteran congressional conservative of more than 30 years, who’s been outspoken against the Benghazi “scandal.”

You can read the transcript of the call below:
Protect our gun rights, vote for Tony Strickland for Congress. Tony Strickland has a history of protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and will do the same in Congress, Tony Strickland was a founding member of the NRA Member Council and former California Rifle and Pistol Association Legislator of the Year.

Tony has been a longtime supporter of the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms and will continue to oppose, and actively fight, any legislation that would take away our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. As the founder of the Freedom Firearms Coalition and with a lifetime ‘A’ rating from the NRA, we can count on Tony Strickland to protect our constitutional rights. 
On June 3rd, vote for Tony Strickland for Congress. This call was paid for by Strickland for Congress.
Listen to the robocall below:

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