Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Real Veterans Scandal: 258,000 Have No Healthcare Thanks to GOP Governors

While the GOP/Tea Party fiddles, blaming Obama for everything that’s wrong, our Veterans are dying. This is the same Congress where the majority have never served in the military.
First we send soldiers to fight our wars and we promise them we’ll take care of them. Then we don’t provide them with adequate protection while they’re in combat. Just as a reminder, at the onset of the “no real weapons of mass destruction war in Iraq.”  The Bush administration routinely sent soldiers into combat without adequate combat gear.  Consequently many of the veterans today are those who were sent to war ill prepared.  Now we’re denying them adequate medical care and basic living necessities like food and shelter.
There isn’t one problem with Veterans, there are multiple problems that our Veterans are facing. And according to the American Community Service survey in March 2013…
“Analysis of the 2008-2010 American Community Survey (ACS) indicates that 535,000 uninsured veterans and 174,000 uninsured spouses of veterans—or four in 10 uninsured veterans  and one in four uninsured spouses—have incomes below 138 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) and could qualify for Medicaid or new subsidies for coverage under the Affordable  Care Act (ACA).”  
Remember this is the Congress that will go to any lengths to discredit President Obama – regardless of whom them hurt.  And they call themselves Patriots.  The Republican controlled congress voted down jobs bills which included veterans; the same R-Congress cut unemployment benefits which affects Veterans; and 23 Republican states are refusing to expand Medicaid. Veterans can qualify for Medicaid especially since the VA (which is routinely underfunded by Congress) can’t handle all the medical needs of our soldiers.
And what are Americans doing about it? Any ideas?

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