Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Watch Rand Paul: Poverty Wages are ‘Tough Love People Have to Accept’

New video has surfaced of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul not only defending the concept of poverty wages for hard-working Americans, but going as far as to claim that they are “the tough live that people have to accept” in order to get our economy out of the Bush Recession that his very own Republican Party’s extremist policies created.
Made during a Tea Party in Kentucky, his comments provide a glimpse into Sen. Paul’s extremely greedy and dangerous “free market” ideology, where large big-box retailers are free to enslave the working class with poverty wages, and if the workers don’t like being forced to rely on government assistance, well that’s just corporate America’s “tough love that people have to accept”.
Do you think that it’s ever dawned on this Tea Party “darling” that the “people” he so callously refers to are hard working Americans who are looking for their own tiny slice of the American dream, becoming a part of our once-great middle class?
Forget about raising the minimum wage. In Rand Paul’s mind, the real solution to putting more money in the pockets of everyday Americans is to give them “lower wages”.
Rand, you can keep your “tough love”. Please watch the video BELOW:

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