Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Baptist ministers tell state to fight same-sex marriages

A group of Baptist ministers and their families spoke from the steps of the Alabama State Capitol on Friday, condemning the notion of same-sex marriage and supporting the state's right to oppose it.

Pastor Franklin Raddish was the organizer of the event, representing Capitol Hill Independent Baptist Ministries. Raddish said about 10 independent Baptist ministers from all over Alabama, including Birmingham and Troy, were scheduled to speak.

Speaking before the event, Raddish said the cause that brought them together was "leftist federal judges" saying that an individual state's law that bans same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.

He contends that both Christians and non-Christians have spoken out against same-sex marriage "through the ballot box" but their views are being overshadowed by the small number of people supporting same-sex marriage.

"What they're doing is coming by with their leftist agenda and they get a case from 3 percent of the population that's overruling the other 97 percent," Raddish said.

He says the federal judges who support same-sex marriage are "ignoring the constitution."

"What they are doing is eliminating the integrity of the ballot box for millions of Americans," Raddish said.

The gathering on Friday called for "nonviolent civil disobedience."

"When you eliminate the ballot box and then you start dictating from the federal bench, all you have done is turned this country into a socialistic country where the people aren't given the right to determine their own future," Raddish said.

"We are calling for any law concerning same-sex marriage that (those people) voted against to simply ignore that law, whether in the business world or the Christian community."

The ministers and their wives — a little more than two dozen people — started the event at 12:30 p.m., and it was scheduled to last two-to-three hours, Raddish said.

People passing by could be seen stopping and listening for a few minutes and school children who were apparently on a tour of the State Capitol posed for pictures while Raddish spoke.

Raddish mentioned the youth as one of his reasons why he doesn't support same sex marriage.

"It eliminates the family — they can't produce — and the only way to increase their numbers is to recruit so they are getting in the education system with leftist brainwashing propaganda," Raddish said. "They are teaching our children there are two mommies, two daddies — and that's from the pit of Hell."

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