Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Republicans Treat Their Voters Like Absolute Idiots – And Conservatives Eat it Right Up

It goes without saying that I watch a lot of news. Even though I’m not the biggest fan of the mainstream media, it’s still a source that can be used along with others to get some decent information. Though with each passing year the quality gets worse and worse – but that’s what happens when you allow your news to be driven by ratings instead of content.

I have to admit, the “news” channel that I watch the most is Fox News. Believe it or not, it’s a great channel from which to get information. Typically, whatever they’re saying, just believe the opposite. It’s also the best source for knowing what conservative voters will be saying next, because I can guarantee you whatever nonsense Fox News is pushing will soon be parroted by nearly every conservative from all across the country.

Though I don’t really view Fox News as actual “news” – it’s right-wing entertainment. Their content isn’t driven by facts; instead it’s driven by what conservatives want to hear.

The Republican party and right-wing media absolutely loves the stupidity of the average conservative voter. They don’t even try to hide the fact that they treat these people like mindless sheep. Right now the GOP is up in arms over Obama’s executive actions on immigration, when all he’s done is take action to give human beings who are already here and meet certain criteria the chance at becoming American citizens. He didn’t use a pen to pass sweeping immigration reform and redefine what it means to be an “American citizen.” He simply made it possible for these people who want to meet these guidelines to be able to earn the right to become a citizen.

That’s it. It boils down to treating these people like actual human beings.

It’s not Amnesty – it’s a path to citizenship. These people won’t be granted instant citizenship just for being here. They’ll have to meet the criteria and adhere to the process for becoming an American citizen, and if they don’t, they won’t be granted citizenship.

But the truth is had House Republicans even attempted to pass immigration reform, none of this would have been needed. So while conservative voters are “outraged” at President Obama for issuing these executive actions, they should really be ticked off at their own party for doing absolutely nothing about immigration since they took power in the House in 2010.

By the way, included in Obama’s plan is added resources for border security, but you sure won’t hear that mentioned much (if at all) on Fox News.

But even if you just look at the bigger “names” conservatives trust, it’s an absolute joke. People like Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh – all bottom-feeding propagandists. These are individuals who thrive on saying some of the most outrageous crap because they know conservatives won’t question it.

Benghazi is another great example of right-wing hysteria driving “news.” The House Intelligence Committee just released their latest report showing what liberals have been saying for well over a year now: There was no Benghazi conspiracy, or cover up, driven by the Obama administration. 

Though this report was released on a Friday before a big holiday and it was hardly even mentioned by anyone on Fox News, so most conservatives will never hear much about it. But it’s just another debunked lie in a growing list that have been pushed by the right-wing media.

And none of these lies would even be remotely possible if it weren’t for the fact that Republicans clearly believe conservative voters are idiots.

Things like “death panels,” doubts about Obama’s citizenship, supposed links to the Muslim Brotherhood and many other nefarious and outrageous claims about the president that only complete fools could possibly believe. These aren’t conspiracies that have been pushed by the fringe parts of the right-wing media. These are topics that have been heavily promoted by not just the mainstream conservative media, but elected Republican officials as well.

And no matter how many of these ridiculous conspiracies continue to get debunked by facts and reality, conservative voters continue to eat up new lies one right after another.

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