Sunday, November 30, 2014

OOPS! Complaints Filed Against Mike Huckabee’s Political Non-Profit

The ADLF filed two complaints against the “Fox News” personality in response to the creation of America takes ACTION, Inc. (ATA), a non-profit they believe exists purely for Huckabee to use corporate cash to test his presidential run.

One complaint was filed with the IRS, and the other with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

With the IRS, the ADLF claims that Huckabee’s organization is passing itself off as a social advocacy organization while public records suggest Huckabee created ATA as a way to “formally organize money and staff in preparation for his candidacy.”

With the FEC, the ADLF claims that Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas, is violating federal election law by using corporate money to fund his “testing the waters.”

Hosting your own show on “Fox News” is prohibited if you’re serious about running for president. Potential candidates, like Ben Carson, must sever ties with “Fox News” before running for president.

I don’t know what will come of these complaints, but Mike Huckabee may have to decide soon whether he wants to be on television or run for president.

Even with the “Hunger Games” in theaters, it’s hard to imagine a more dystopian future than one with the likes of Huckabee as commander-in-chief.

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