Friday, December 27, 2013

Pastor Robert Jeffress Defends Phil Robertson, Asserts Gays Are Sexual Threat To Children

First Baptist Church of Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress was brought on to CNN's "New Day" to discuss the never-ending Duck Dynasty controversy. Jeffress, who was dumped by Tim Tebow and compared gay sex to plugging a TV into the wrong outlet, predictably took Phll Robertson's side with the standard tired defenses that Robertson was merely expressing the beliefs and moral standards outlined in the Bible. Said Jeffress:
He is simply quoting what Paul says in Romans 1. Now, people may not agree with that, they may want to attach some new interpretation to it, but people don't have the right to label Phil or me or tens of millions of evangelical Christians as hateful because we hold to a historical understanding of the Bible.
Except that people DO have that right. Just as Robertson has the explicit right to hatefully compare homosexuality to bestiality, adultery, drunkenness, deception, and the rest, people who took offense to his hatred have the right to call it what it is. CNN host Victor took the opportunity to question Jeffress' education on homosexual issues, challenging his past statement that homosexuals were a disproportionate threat as child molesters, asking:
Where is that in the Bible, or in science?
Jeffress claimed that his assertion was true and made a feeble dodge, saying to consult the book he wrote for the sources Victor asked for.

You can watch the unembeddable video at CNN's website.

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