Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ever wonder why so many of the most successful NFL teams are from cities you've barely even heard of?

Football, the most red-blooded, all-American, do-or-die, love-it-or-leave-it sport there is was founded on a concept so "un-American," it would make Ronald Reagan turn over in his grave.

Here's how it works.

In baseball, each team essentially operates as its own business.

So some teams — usually the ones from bigger cities with more fans — are richer than others. And the rich teams can spend money on better players, which leads to more championships, which leads to more TV and concession revenue, which leads to even more money and more championships.

It's every man for himself.
In football, it's exactly the opposite.

The 32 teams in the NFL share revenue evenly, and no one team can spend more on players than any other. This leads to much more competitive balance and, some would argue, a better game.

It's "We're all in this together."

Don't believe me? Here's Bill Maher explaining it with jokes.

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